“Fancy” Tabletop Game

Intellectually associative tabletop game “Fancy” – is a graduation work of the artist Katerina Teleshova. “From the very beginning, a tabletop of this kind was created by French illustrator Maria Kardo, whom paintings were printed on 84 cards. I got acquainted with the game last year when my friend brought it to Luhansk, and I decided to make my own variant. I have called my own variant of the game “Fancy”, but I did not make 84 cards as in original, but 60 cards. The rules of the “Fancy” are simple: it is played by 3 to 6 person, 6 cards are given to each person. The first who makes the move thinks of an association of one of the cards, it can be a sound, song, quote from the book, or any personal association. He puts the card face down, so no one could see the image, and tells about his association. The rest of the players have to choose one of the several cards, which meets the association. The cards are mixed, and then opened, and players have to vote for that card, which in their opinion was thought of. The point of the game is that the association was not too clear, but at the same time not too difficult. Depending on how the players voted, the person who thought of, numbers the points or not. Through communication during the game you can see the inner world of the man. Sometimes one seems to be superficial for us, but the game reveals us that he is a deep personality. He can invent such an original associations, that you had no idea how extraordinary thoughts he has. I tried to express my own vision of the world in my illustrations, because I really like to mix and connect various things, join animals to various human characteristics. For example, the illustration of a butterfly reminds me of gentle maternal embrace” - Katerina told to "Cameron" newspaper of Lugansk State Institute of Culture and Arts.

Photos and illustrations are given by the author

Katerina Teleshova

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