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About museum

«Luhansk. Arts & Facts »- a virtual platform, which will be collected artifacts of cultural life and social activism Lugansk from 2004 to 2013. The period between the two revolutions in Ukraine, the Orange Revolution and dignity - it is a cultural development of Lugansk. Unfortunately, few people are familiar with what happened in this time. So today we hear that one of the causes of the war - the lack of culture in eastern Ukraine and in particular in Lugansk.

The collection of artifacts «Luhansk. Arts & Facts »shed light on the hidden cultural wave in Lugansk 2004 - 2013 years. It will contribute to the destruction of stereotypes "lack of culture" residents - and former residents - region.

Virtual bilingual (English and Ukrainian) hub will both online museum and archive. Visitors will be able to "visit" at exhibitions and art events, art-cafes and museums, to meet with those who shaped the cultural life of the city in the last decade before the war. Sociologists, historians and cultural researchers can use this archive in their research life-east Ukraine.

For cultural practitioners who worked in Lugansk in this period, it will be perhaps the first chance to show their work throughout Ukraine and abroad. The rest will be able to see the other side of Lugansk life that has become a cultural heritage. And to find answers to difficult questions, or at least see who can address these issues.

The project «Luhansk's ART & FACTS - Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Donbass" realizes the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with youth organizations "state" supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany to aid under the Eastern Partnership and in consultation FHXB Museum in Berlin.


Kyle Logan

Kyle Logan is an international development policy and professional. He has a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and a Master in Public Administration from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey in Monterey, California, USA. He previously lived in Germany and Georgia. He is currently a Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine with Youth Organisation STAN.

Oksana Svishch

Oksana Svishch is an author of a few scientific articles on political integration and sociocultural problems. She recently completed her Bachelor in Political Science at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University in Ivano-Frankivsk. During 2014 she worked for the Internet media Franko Times

Jana Braun

Jana Braun is a museologist from Berlin who works as a freelancer in several museums and international projects on cultural heritage. She is primarily specialized in 2D-Digitization and visitor analysis. In 2010 and 2011 she worked in the Memorial Leistikowstraße Potsdam until it’s opening with a permanent exhibition about the history of the central detention prison of the KGB (1950-1983) in East Germany. Since 2011, she has worked on several projects of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum including the coordination of two digitization projects to create online access to the collection.

Melanie Krebs

Melanie Krebs majored in Islamic studies, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, and Historical Anthropology in Freiburg im Breisgau and Istanbul. She received her Ph.D. in Central Asian studies at Humboldt University in Berlin with a thesis on the (re-)traditionalisation and globalization in Central Asian craft communities. In 2007 and 2008 she worked as a junior curator in the Islam collection at the Ethnographical Museum in Berlin.

Bogdan Dubylovsky

Bogdan Dubylovsky is a social engineer, businessman, public activist and experimenter in the field of culture. He is a member of the Ivano-Frankivsk Cyclist Association, creator of a social cultural map of city. Bogdan Dubylovsky is the author of multiple publications in a few literary almanacs. In London, Bogdan investigated the Ukrainian diaspora there. He specializes in public initiatives and works with the public-cultural environment of Ivano-Frankivsk to improve the city.

Svitlana Oslavska

Svitlana Oslavska is a journalist, cultural critic and researcher. She has a master’s degree from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Cultural Studies. She is a founder and editor of the local Ivano-Frankivsk online-magazineUfra.com.ua, that publishes about contemporary Ivano-Frankivsk.

Yaroslav Minkin

Yaroslav Minkin is the main coordinator of Luhansk’s Art & Facts - Saving of the cultural heritage of Donbas. He is a poet, cultural innovator and civil activist. He is a Chairman of the Board of the Youth Organization “STAN”. He is also an organizer of campaigns is on defending of public interests, human and cultural rights. Yaroslav specializes in local campaigns in defense of public interests by using different forms of modern art. He is an initiator of the democratization of cultural politics in the Donbas and an expert in the field of regional cultural politics.