She was born in 1991 in the Luhansk Oblast (Starobilsk). She graduated from the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts majoring in "Singing" and "Art and Computer Graphics" (in absentia).
A 52-year-old Luhansk resident Nicholai Khudobin, a businessman by profession and a great romance at soul, created the first and currently the only museum in the world to the Brazilian king of foot
«He used to make performative actions, only we did not call them like this at that time. I remember he in a Youth Library, naked, hanged in front of himself a inscription: "Danger! Keep out!".
Доктор філософських наук, займався науковою та викладацькою роботою на кафедрі філософії та естетики Східноукраїнського національного університету ім. В.
Photos and memory about the flea market in Luhansk were sent to the museum by Anastasia Leliuk: «Luhansk flea market is a history and culture along the tram line in the area of The 3rd kilometer.