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Mikhail Koptev, self-educated trash fashion designer, and an open gay was born in Luhansk and grew up in a monastery in Russia. He is a shoemaker by trade.
Anton Palchikov began his creative activity in 2005, when his mother took him the crying boy to art school. In 2007 he won the competition of fine arts in Macedonia.
Володимир Спектор – корінний луганчанин. Вважає, що Луганськ – це «місто хороших людей».
Ihor Samoilyk is from Lugansk Oblast. In 2002 he graduated from art school, and then studied at the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts with a major in "Easel painting".
Ігор Мамушев закінчив Луганське державне музичне училище (1976), Київську державну консерваторію ім. П.Чайковського по класу фортепіано (1981).
Yulia Yeremenko combined work in a press-service USBU in the Luhansk Oblast with artistic activity.
Stegeresku is a Luhansk painter of the classical school. He is working in various genres from realism to avant-garde.
He manufactures wooden sculpture, working for the part of the Ministry of Emergencies.
Photos by «ОстроВ»
He is a singer, and performer of classical and popular music. Vlad was a finalist on the TV show "Voice of the Country". He started singing at the age of nine.
Serhiy Gogolev is the notorious director, producer and screenwriter from Luhansk.