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Luhansk's group "1/16", formerly known among Ukrainian fans of post-rock as "1/16 tractor», losing the mechanical part of the name, has won more other things.
The radio show was released every Tuesday from 21:00 to 22:00 on the 103,6 FM wave (radio “Puls”).
Few people know, but internet gives an opportunity to wander virtually across pre-war Luhansk.
“Nachisto” was released in May 2008, although the half material of the album was contained of the songs of 2005.
Poetry Book by Olena Zaslavska, where she refers to the subject of digital society. 50-page publication consists of two parts: online and offline.
The band was formed in 2003 in Luhansk, and it was in funk style. “Of course, like other bands, “Krayina U” also has its own legend of the title origin.
Vitaliy Lebuhorskiy known as Oil Texture writes drone and dark-ambient music. «Beware, this music is not for everybody.
lap0fvw – is an audiovisual project of Anton Lapov, Ukrainian sound designer, media artist, practicing culture expert.
"Street Art of Lugansk – is a community of Luhansk street artists (writers).
"Group" Str8 Balln With My Dogs "was formed in spring 2010 to restore beautiful old rock’n’roll tradition when girls throw panties on stage during a concert.