Informal community assemblage point «Next to Pine Trees»

«We started to organize our own informal get-together and decided to move to a spot called “Next to Pine Trees”. It is in a Memory Ssquare, close to the lLibrary, a place that later became a spot for The 32nd of May Mmovie Ffestival. - recollects poet, activist and head of STAN Lliterary Mmovement Yaroslv Minkin. - There were punks who played “punk basketball”. Its idea is that one guy stands next to a tree, gapes and waits. All the others stay 3 metres from him and start spitting trying to make it into his mouth. We have been also a part of the informal community, only a bit more socialized and moderate. Punk movement was stand alone, as well as “satanists” and role-players. I remember times when “satanists” trapped cats on the streets and wrung their heads. We left the informal youth movement when some drunk geeks tried to drink our portwein, mine and my friend’s Jones. At that time literature has become more attractive to us, but still we came from time to time to music parties».

Photos by Julia Krasilnikova, Eugene Sulymenko


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