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The official name of the park is Park-Museum of Anthropomorphosis Statues and Polovets Stone Statues. It is located on the territory of Luhansk National University.
This idea appeared a long time ago – we always wanted to have our own publication, which would write about all the news about Luhansk fan movements.
“Video is about the process of making a little graphical composition on the wall of cylindrical water reservoir behind the Schorse Park near the cemetery of home pets by creative guys union called
Various concerts took place here. Our favourite band from Luhansk 'Speka Taka' once celebrated its 5 years anniversary. I made an exhibition there", - recollects Anastasiya Medianyk.
It was planned to make the sculptural installation “The Birth of Truth” special for the “Decapsulation of the Museum Universum” exhibition as a part of the hall, dedicated to the history of the geo
«Right before the war, our friend Dmytro Sniegiriov opened a Ukrainian language bookstore and café in Luhansk. Petro Maliyov and I have been helping him.
"I lived on the outskirts of town, so I was able to break away from the urban space, to feel the greatness and power of the vast fields.
The 32nd of May Festival took place here.
Photo by Julia Krasilnikova
«Hiding-place - is the first release, and perhaps most significant for me because it is very personal album addressed to me. No narcissism.
«All geeks have been gathering “at fuck” since 1999. “Fuck” – it was a monument to the Motherland. Everybody knew that this place was called “at fuck”, nobody was interested why it was called so.