Event held: at 2013 year

Photography exhibition «The Woman’s Inner World»

This was a personal exhibition of photographer Oleksiy Bader. All works presented at the exhibition were portraits of different women, in black & white, printed on a canvas that created an impression that they were paintings. «Men have everything written on their faces, they are more honest and open. With women is more complicated, they have to be discovered, that’s why working with them is more interesting. I also have men’s portraits, but not that many», – explained the artist to «Nasha Gazeta». «Black & white photography underlines the inner world of a person, his or her mood. Colour, to the contrary, diverts viewer’s attention. To create each photo I needed around three hours: two hours to talk to a model, and one to do the shooting itself. Together with a model we were trying to get into the inner world, to get from the depth and the mood that really steers a person and captures it. Quite often people change in the process, stepping away from their problems. It is phototherapy», – told Bader to Схід.info. The photographer’s personal page: http://bader.org.ua/

Oleksiy Bader

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