RANDOM DAY Experiment

This was a culturological experiment of the R+N+D art-cluster. The project started in 2012 and included “a series of raves, themed nights, mixes by electro-musicians and dj-sets online and live”. "I made about 10 concerts in the 'Chillout Donbass' art cafe. We were making parties, 'discotecas' and experimental music nights there. I saw my task also in increasing the musical literacy of the visitors. It seems I behaved quite abstrusely and those events were not really popular among people. Only when we started organizing parties some swath of interested young people started attending. They would have come anyway as 'Chillout Donbass' the only place. Everybody used to come there, from artists and poets to football ultras and average dance music admirers. Such entwinement of subcultures was an ordinary situation for Luhansk", - tells Anton Lapov.

R+N+D арт-кластер

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