The Interdisciplinary Project “The Primitives of the Future”

“The Primitives of the Future” is an interdisciplinary curatorial project of Anton Lapov. Presentation of the project took place in the halls of the Luhansk Regional History Museum on 17 may 2012. The action took place in the framework of pan-European cultural initiative "Night of Museums". During the evening were presented various forms of Museum activities: introductory multimedia tour in the hall of "Our land in ancient times", an audio-visual installation "Dissolution int(r)o", a master class in playing musical instruments, performance by a group "Operators Ы". The event was prepared in close cooperation with art-club "Chillout Donbass", Creative Association "Art-cluster R+N+D" and musician-reconstructor Maxim Mironyuk (Alchevsk). "The primitives – the basic elements of the original foundations of any complex system, including human consciousness. Changes that it, at a certain point, suffered within the framework of collective "matrix of intensive non-verbal communication" led to the current stalemate crisis symbolic of popular culture. The direction of possible harmonious removing the contradictions cannot be specified definitely; moreover, in the framework of a single specialized institutional paradigm. Therefore, it is natural perceived desire for immediate knowledge of the phenomena of form, rhythm, volume, mute. [...] Conventional Natural History Museum becomes not only a place of a mirror reflection of reality, but a platform for performative actualization of the dialogue potential of the exhibition space", – says Anton Lapov about the project.

Photos by Roman Kamko and Ruslan Onishchenko 

Trustee – Anton Lapov. Participants of the project:Oleksandr Agafonov, Yurii Kedenko, Maksim Mironiuk, Denis Moroz, Sergii Pivovarov, Klim Chu

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