"Literary group STAN presents the program« OTRO CIELO» - Look at " Another Sky!". The event is dedicated to contemporary Ukrainian writer Yurko Pokalchuk. Many people came together in order to commemorate the poet, traveler, and adventurer; they are musicians , artists and writers who came to Luhansk from all over Ukraine. Poets from the Far East and the Wild West: Zaslavskaya, Vakulenko, Minkin, Shuvalov Reutskyy, lapwing, Hubyetov, Kolesnik, Gontareva will help people to break away from reality and look into the Anther Sky. Musical support - intellectual indie rock from "Sobaki lhut" band . Demonstration of graphic designs from Mr.WHATa and sketches from Kashia Lu. The movie of The movies Taras Tomenko "Parched land" is also in the program.(the description of the event - podiyivk.com / event5495865) "... We want to pay tribute to a man who has done much to Lugansk not a" white spot "for the cultural life of Ukraine. It is hard to write memorial lines,to find the right tone, not to stray into vulgarity, it is hard to find the right words. In short - Yuri Pokalchuk helped to make my dreams come true. Dreams about to Luhansk to stop being a scarecrow for Ukraine ant to take its rightful place on the map of Ukraine’s contemporary art. In order to its humiliating status of the province went into oblivion. It is hard to find allies in the fight against the marsh, where some believe that "it is as it should be," and others say that marsh is a natural habitat. Pokalchuk was a devoted ally and friend. (Journalist and writer Konstantin Skorkin) "- Wikipedia (uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/СТАН#.D0.90.D0.BA.D1.86.D1.96.D1.8F_.C2.ABOTRO_CIELO.C2. BB)


Photo - Alevtina Sidorenko, poster - WHAT

STAN, "Луганский киноклуб"

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