Event held: at 2013 year

Photography exhibition «Yedinochestvo»

The authors presented at the exhibition, showed their understanding of solitude (“odinochestvo” in Russian). The inspiration for the exhibition’s title was found in an album of the rock band DDT. Inga Telikanova, one of the participants of the exhibition, described its concept in a following way: «One famous rock musician invented a new word – “yedinochestvo ”. If you’re along, it is too bad, and “yedinochestvo” is when you’re along, but at the same time – one. “Yedin” with this world. You are part of this world, of grass, sky, buildings, rivers, people – everything that God created». «People are disengaged nowadays. We do not know even our neighbours. This exhibition is dedicated to a person locked into his/her personal space», – told Valentyn Aleksandrov, participant of the exhibition. Photo gallery from the exhibition’s opening: http://cxid.info/kak-gruppa-ddt-vdohnovila-luganskih-fotografov-foto-n108629


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