The Sculpture Installation “The Birth of Truth”

It was planned to make the sculptural installation “The Birth of Truth” special for the “Decapsulation of the Museum Universum” exhibition as a part of the hall, dedicated to the history of the geological development of land and mineral resources. The project was not finished but is was virtually present in the exhibition. The idea of installation reveals the mudbord (which is a part of the work) and the text-manifest: “ The mean Mother-Earth of Donbas gave her people coal, hidden deep beneath the desert steppe. In the depth of the mines, in non-human conditions, in heat and moisture was tempered Donbas spirit, which gave birth to many of heroic characters who could go beyond the human limits. Now, when the industry of our land is dead, when mines and piles are pitiful odds of previous power, when the pride of Donbas was hardly hidden under many layers of rock by poverty and hardship, We, new generation, demand revival of great heroic spirit! New truth should be born there, where emptiness and futility are not only the results, but harbingers, where the intense need and expectations are in the air. The bearer of the Truth will be every man, who up brings the high qualities inside themselves, which allows them not only to survive, but to love their lives in all its fullness, in difficult conditions and struggling for existence, not in thoughts, but in actions. The rest of the Truth will become in a variety of symbols, which are products of the highest mystical tensions and bearers.”

Photos and illustrations are given by the authors

"Supovoy Nabor" Art Team (Yevhen Koroletov, Sviatoslav Shevchenko)

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