Creative Union “Supovoy Nabor” (“The Soup Set”)

"Firstly "The Soup set" was formed by only two members from Luhansk: Yuri Otinov and Eugene Koroletov. Creating a group in 2012, they were engaged in collective creativity and self-education, gathering from time to time in rented apartments in Luhansk. It was an open community, which at various times was joined by various representatives of the urban intelligentsia. Thus, in the summer of 2013 "The Soup Set" has added a third permanent member - Peter Vladimirov. Having survived the events of Maidan in Russia, Yuri Otinov leaves the band in 2014 due to disagreements in political views and a different vision of the future creative development. Left alone, Peter Vladimirov and Eugene Koroletov gradually lived all the events that happened in their hometown and, in the end, had to left it. Having passed the way from peaceful attempts to stimulate the cultural life in pre-war Luhansk to its forced departure, the group is sensitive to the socio-political events and tries to uncover existing problems by using artistic means," - says team member Eugene. The group participated in exhibitions in the Small Gallery of Mystetsky Arsenal, Kiyv; Stout for Contemporary Art, Kyiv; in Awangarda Gallery BWA Wrocław, Poland; Gallery Fabrika H&G, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; The Festival of Electronic Disciplines ZAVTRA, Luhansk. The group took part in a residence of the International Symposium of Contemporary Art on Biruchiy Island in 2014.

Eugene Korolyetov Peter Vladimirov

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