"Cat's Day?" Community

"Cat’s day?" is a get-together that gathered in apartment on Gagarin quarter 7 in 2007 - 2008. It was Jurii Otinov parents’ apartment, who then called their son Mel. They moved to Russia, and he had to visit Luhansk several times a year to get his documents. He stayed in for a week or two, and the apartment got filled with people. There were artists, musicians, Rastafarians and just his old friends from the quarter. People came again and again and brought their friends along. We did collective projects, we painted, photographed, filmed, watched movies, used soft drugs and just hanged out. I can add that we are all united by "dark" aesthetics: George did dead man’s masks and aggressive music was usually playing on the background. The apartment was later sold, but the tradition remained - I and Jurii then had other parties in rental apartments on the Komunalnaya St. and later in my place in “Anti-apartment on Machine Building Plant 100”- from the memories of artist WHAT.

Photos by Yurii Ostinov, WHAT


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