"Cossacks Fun"

One of the organizers writes in his article for the fanzine “Chorno-Bilyi” (“Black&White”): "Beautiful sunny Saturday morning we gathered in the Park of Friendship to bring to life "Cossack funs”. Despite it being twenty degrees below, we gathered about 40 participants for a hardening of body and spirit. After the briefing, ran a couple of circles around the Park and began to warm up, not without a crush-slam. Then the most interesting started. Divided into two teams, we started the competition in several exercises. We began with the traditional "Lava na lavu", where teams firmly scrpitures in the chain, had to permacath over the imaginary line to each other. It was further competition with the title "GOP-wedge". [...] Next came the elements of the struggle in the exercise "Criss-cross", which was already manifested its own character and wrestling ability. The aim of the exercise was to overwhelm the opponent on his back, holding each other crosswise with both hands. The next exercise was called "Riders", divided it into two stages, because across the lava to realize this competition was not convenient, had to split into two exits from each team. The goal is to topple from his horse, pushing. The last exercise was called "Cocks". Holding on with one hand for a foot, it was pushing the opponent to knock them down. All exercises were accompanied with laughter and applause at each other. Of course, winners and losers do not happen here, I think, coming on this day, in the Park of Friendship, won everyone. After the competition we sang the national anthem, took a group picture and had the tea party”.

ГО «Чорно-білі»

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