"Black & White" Community

"Black and White" is a common name for all the football fans of FC "Zarya" and the name of the public organization created by the assist of these fans in 2011. Beyond fan activities, they conducted various sports events, races, film screenings, and released their own magazine. "In early 2011, there was a need to unite all fans of Luhansk for the sake of improving support for the sector of the stadium and for other purposes. The club was invented by a simple and straightforward name and a joint effort made under a big banner. Under this banner was supposed to be all the fans from different fan groups who wanted to actively support the home club. Later there were many new people in the sector who have identified themselves only with the title "Black and White". Subsequently, we made a logo, fan scarves, t-shirts, stickers, painted graffiti and created a brand. There was even a slogan: "Be black and white" - that is, do not drink, do sports, go to football matches, live actively, and all that jazz," recalls a member of the community. "The decision on creation of the NGO "BLACK and WHITE" was adopted in 2011.At that moment, the NGO "BLACK and WHITE" became a legal entity with its own charter and seal, the main purpose of which is: the protection and satisfaction of legitimate social, creative, economic, scientific and cultural interests of its members; involvement of the broad masses of the population to engage in sports, physical and spiritual development; the implementation of educational, scientific, cultural and educational activities to promote the formation of a democratic civil society" (From an article in fans "Black and white" No. 4). Because of their pro-Ukrainian views and participation in Luhansk Maidan, in the beginning of the conflict in 2014, many of the community members had to leave the city. Several dozens of them took part in the volunteer battalions, while those who stayed in Luhansk, were persecuted by separatist security services. In October 2016 in Luhansk a group of Ultras was detained, a month before the guys from the fan movement who were photographed with the Ukrainian flag in the center of the city were arrested . Vk.com/bwultras - the official community

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