“Zheka Rap” Music Video

“This year one of the major events in graffiti-community was an art-project “Zheka Rap”, where in addition to small panorama guys filmed harsh street clip, which earned huge publicity through internet, and painted the wall with Black White Ultras community”, - the description in the Lugansk graffiti community "Luhansk Graffiti Chronicle". "The idea of the project arose spontaneously, we filmed everything in two days. Then I got seriously ill and during one day, with the temperature near 38 C degree, I have mounted the clip. We just wanted to make “a prank” from rap community and to laugh at some stereotypes closely connected with graffiti. Frankly speaking, the text will be absolutely understandable only for representatives of subculture, there is a lot of specific terms. After we downloaded the clip to the internet, there appeared a lot of guys who would literally beat us. But also I knew some guys who just knew the text by heart, I found several remixes of the track. By the way, Zhenya played this song with guitar then, with some Luhansk music band with very heavy music sound”, - says WHAT.

Photos given by WHAT

Members of the "Street Art of Lugansk" community: What, Zhenia, Bomber, Deered

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