The musical group "2KF" or "Fantasy Collectors Club"

"The Fantasy Collectors Club " or abbreviated as "2KF" is one of the most enigmatic bands of Lugansk. Its members are related to Lugansk ultras and right movement, but most of their songs are in no way connected with the football themes. Here is what one of the participants said about the career of the group: "We were overwhelmed with the desire to be incomprehensible. We decided to play just two of us, as could not found any others willing to share the contempt for the world of music. Everyone who tried to play with us refused or left after the first rehearsal, hearing the lyrics and music. And our anticommercial vector of development deprived the lovers of fame of any prospects." "Creativity is a response to the stimulus of the outside world. But as soon as you stop dividing yourself and the outside world, and begin to feel part of a whole, then you begin to form values. Thanks to these values the mental images that transformed in creativity are formed inside, not coming in from the outside. This principle is clearly demonstrated in the evolution of our creativity." Musicians can't relate themselves to a specific style of music, the experiment plays the main role in their work. Except for musical events in Luhansk, the band performed in other cities of Ukraine and Russia. On account of the "2KF" several albums, EPS and homemade clips (from the interview group in the magazine "Black and white" No. 3).

Тихий омут, Живчік, Голова

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