Mikhail Koptev, fashion designer

Mikhail Koptev, self-educated trash fashion designer, and an open gay was born in Luhansk and grew up in a monastery in Russia. He is a shoemaker by trade. Koptev is a creator of a Provocative Fashion Circus «Wild Orchid». A journalist from Ukrayinska Pravda, Kateryna Sergatskova called Koptev’s show “a parade of perverted beauty, a triumph of otherness". In his shows Koptev presents people with unusual proportions, as well as with physical and otherness deviations. «I want to show the real dramaturgy of life”, - says Koptev. He calls himself the «”Mick” Jagger and Elisabeth Taylor of Luhansk». «Everybody sees me as a monster, but this is not true. People, considered monsters by this monstrous world, they could be a saint. And those, known as saints in this monstrous world, often turn out to be monsters…», - said Koptev in an interview to Takiye Dela.

Photo: personal archive


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