The Concert of «Grazhdanskaya Oborona» music band


"Grazhdanskaya Oborona" band visited Luhansk only twice. [...] The second concert was held in November 2006, as part of nationwide musician’s tour. Then Lenin RC (recreation centre) held a full concert, which attracted "oldschool" supporters of Letov’s creativity and adolescents. Yje hall wasn’t built to hold such events as the performance of religious rock bands and the audience stood on the backs of their seats" (from an article by Konstantin Skorkina" Yegor Letov: Unbearable loneliness of Genesis", egor-letov-nevinosimoe-odinochestvo-bitiya.html). "... The concert itself has made the greatest impression. [...] when we went into the hall, everyone stood near the stage. It wass clear that no one was sitting on their seats. It's absolute nonsense to sell tickets to "GO" with sitting. Local band "Hlamyda" was in the opening act [...] Some people thought that this was the "GO" and they did not notice that the songs were different))) There was a guy behind me who shouted "Yegor is great! Come on. "Hlamyda’s" last songs could not be heard because people were shouting 'Egor' "(the story of the author under the pseudonym of Globality" at the band’s web-site,


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