Crows Pick Your Crop Giuzeppe" Music Band

"Crows Pick Your Crop Giuzeppe" is a Soviet and Ukrainian park-rock band from Luhansk, who began their work in the late 1980s. Their frontman - Igor Ortsev was a member of the Luhansk city council of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The band is the winner of the competition for a new anthem of Ukraine, which was organized by the Communist Party - a new text was written by Ortsev in a music of the USSR anthem. One of their most famous songs - "Hup" is a parody of the UNA-UNSO anthem. At the beginning of their career the band was "associated with freedom and anticommunism. [...] Why did Ihor Ortsev find happiness in making pro-communistic anthem? It is a mystery to many of his supporters, who knew the musician twenty years ago"- says Anton Dobryuha for publication ( cheloveka / poet-dlya-gimna-prosto-blin-chuvak). "Crows Pick Your Crop Giuzeppe" is a radio slogan of Cuban guerrillas under command of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Fidel and Raul Castro. [...] It conquered us with its …madness or something. And poetic ambiguity. This is understandable - "Che" was a great connoisseur of elegant words. Soon when we met on the street, we have used this phrase instead of "hello". And a week before our first performance the question arose – what band name will introduce our hastily made team, nothing else came to our minds [...] We desperately believe in the inevitability of the communist future of mankind and we are willing to fight for it. This is not a joke. Just listen to our music to understand this" (from an interview in" XXI CENTURY " newspaper № 47, 2009).

Photo is given by one of the band members

Igor Orcev, Volodymyr Zemliachenko "Diadia Vova", Sofiya Graholskaya, Dmytro McSimoff, Maksym Naboko "Max", Yulia Sytnikova "Zvezda", Andrii Shergin, Viacheslav Kucherenko, Gennadii GANS Miroshnykov

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