Leonid Fil’, photography artist

Leonid Fil’ is a photographic artist, art historian, teacher at the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts, deputy director of the Arts Department of Luhansk Culture and Arts College. Fil’ came to Luhansk in the 1990s and became a co-creator of the Art Laboratory – a movement of young artists, musicians and theatre leaders from Luhansk. One of the first actions of the laboratory was about «old» and «new» city and they brought this to light, according to Fil’, the fact that real patriots were absent in Luhansk. The 1st Fil’’s first impression about Luhansk of the 90s was: «burnt terricones behind the train’s window […], the real “Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury». This is how Fil’ speaks about art: «…truly art appears when you love, when you are loved – two forces collide». And about art in the 2000s: «I’ve got an impression that everything is bad in today’s art. They used to say everything was bad in 90s, but in fact at that time was the opposite. […] A thought creeps into: when everything is bad it is good for art…».


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