Punk Rock Wednesday at "R-Club"


“There were so many people that old ladies in the bus stops (that became god-fearing after restructuring) had more than enough objects for discussion – people that were dressed as cartoon characters psychedelic children, covered with junk jewelry, piercings, mohawks and other satanic attributes. This was a happening with free admission for everyone. They celebrated Vanya Woody Lazor's birthday. He was a frontman, guitarist and vocalist of Yankee Doodle Dandy band (who threw this party) and Little Little, drummer of Johnny Mnemonics band. Present: musicians, musicians’ friends, punks, punks with mohawks, Egor’s witnesses (I mean Letov’s), hipster-girls, ladies that are-no-longer-girls, boys who look like girls, boys who seem to get wasted, rough women, pretentious snobs, one child of ten, administration, casual acquaintances and me. Listened to: Yankee Doodle Dandy, What The Fuck?!, Debaser, Johnny Mnemonics, Do-Bro. Declared: in the current period of time when every fifth organizes concerts, every second plays in the band, and every a third plays in few of them, in order to create a huge movement at a rock concert, it (the concert) needs to be free or at least invite a groundbreaking headliner. In fact, performances by local or lesser-known bands are visited by their friends - musicians and hosts, and bands usually play for themselves and for each other, "- writes about the concert the musician and journalist Li Pho (lighterjah.livejournal.com/31800.html)


Photo by Li Pho

Organizer: Vanya Woody Lazor (vocalist Yankee Doodle Dandy)

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