Video «The world of art of Valeriy Medin» as part of a project «Ukraine Speaking»

Video «Luhansk’s cultural life» as part of a project «Ukraine Speaking» (initiated by an IT-company from Kharkiv called Stella Systems) was shot in 2010. The project’s aim was to show the real Ukraine through the faces of its citizens and trace the history of the state’s modernity. This video was designed as an amateur unprofessional project. This particular piece tells about an artist from Luhansk Valeryi Medin. At the last exhibition «I was asked about the meaning of my particular collage. I always answer that every person comes with his/her own inner world, knowledge, history, and culture. I gaveive a hint for a person to create his/her own story while looking at my collage. If a visitor succeeds in this, then his/her mind starts to creatively work together with me. Although for me each collage is a unique story. If it does not exist, I cannot create a collage», – tells Medin.
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